It is important to make full use of your legal rights, to assess their strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate the rights of competitors.
The tax deductions available in respect of trademarks are also of importance, as are the values to be attributed to trademarks in the balance sheet of a business.
Have you considered the following:
- Do you have a name or logo that is recognized by members of the trade or public and is it protected by registration as a trade mark?
- Have you considered trade marks in the context of your future expansion or in relation to mergers and acquisitions?
- Have others adopted names or logos which are uncomfortably close to your own?
- Have you considered licensing others to use your name?
- Do your licenses adequately protect you?
- Do you want to use your competitor’s marks for advertising or promoting your products?
- Have you considered the tax deductions allowable in respect of trade marks under the income tax act?
We at Brand Armour emphasise to our clients the importance of their rights, advise them on the best methods of protection, help them to act swiftly should competitors threaten to infringe, and assist where there is a risk of infringement to others rights.
Should you require assistance in dealing with the above, or any other aspect of your business, please do not hesitate to contact us.